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What To Do When You Lose Motivation

Trust me, I'm the first one to admit that it's impossible to be motivated all the time. Just like everything in life, you're going to go through highs + lows when it comes to your excitement for the gym. It's normal and you should expect it, but losing motivation doesn't need to equal losing all progress.👇🏻👇🏻


➖ Remember why you started in the first place. Take a second and have a true heart to heart with yourself. Why did you start this?


➖ Something is better than nothing, meaning a 20 minute workout is better than no workout.


➖ Focus on what you can control in this moment, because the small daily steps will keep you moving forward. Go fill up your water bottle, take a walk around the house and plan your workout for later.


➖ Remember that while motivation is temporary, good + consistent habits create the snowball effect!


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