If you’re new to CrossFit, this post is definitely something you’ll want to screenshot & save for later! I know when you’re getting started it can be SO CONFUSING trying to decipher the whiteboard with all the abbreviated terms. It’s basically like trying to read hieroglyphics. (LOL)
So, here are some common phrases used during class! 👇🏻
➖ WOD: Workout of the day. AKA the daily death as some of my clients like to call it.
➖ EMOM: Every minute on the minute you’ll perform a movement/movements & have the rest of that minute to rest until the next minute starts.
➖ E2MOM: Every 2 minutes on the minute. Basically the same explanation as an EMOM except you perform the movement/movements inside of a 2 minute window.
➖ METCON: Metabolic conditioning. Basically a high intensity workout used to increase metabolic demand & energy use.
➖ TABATA: :20 Seconds of work & :10 seconds of rest.
➖ AMRAP: As many rounds/reps as possible within a certain time frame.
If you have any other terms you’re always confused by- feel free to email me at slynnmfitness@gmail.com
