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Regular Push-Ups Too Easy? Try These!

Traditional push-ups too easy for you? 😏


(Says no one ever. 😂)

However maybe you want a challenge? Or want to try out a new movement? Give these a go. 👇🏻


(The rings should be set up a few inches off the ground. I like to pull the rings close to each other so it's easier to stabilize.)


➖ Place your hands on the rings with your wrists locked.

➖ Walk your feet back so your shoulders are stacked directly over your hands.

➖ Prop yourself up to the plank position & try to keep your feet together.

➖ Controlled, lower yourself down so your shoulders meet the rings & then press back up.


KEY TIP👉🏻 Brace your core! If you're not able to prevent the worm from happening, stick with traditional push-ups until you have the technique down.

Form < weight always!



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