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Hip Mobility (With Patty!)

Florida has cooled down a little so this obviously calls for some outdoor mobility... featuring miss Patty of course. 🖤 (Hold each stretch for :30-:45 sec. before switching to the next!)


➖ Butterfly stretch: Feet together + knees out to the side. Try to pull yourself as close to the ground as you can.


➖ Alternating spider-man lunge: Press both heels to the ground before bringing one foot up to your hands.


➖ Pigeon: Bring your knee to elbow, then slowly move your foot to the opposite side of your body. If you want a challenge drop your forearms to the ground.


➖ Downward dog w/ hip opener: From downward dog, bring one leg straight up in the air + then let it fold open to the side.


➖ Seated figure 4: Plant one foot on the ground + bring your opposite ankle across.


➖ Lying knee to chest into figure 4: With your back on the floor hug your knee to your chest, rock side to side + then move into figure 4.


Be sure to save for later to include some mobility for after your next leg day! If you have any questions feel free to email me at


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