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Don't Have Access To Heavier Weights? Read This.



➖ Tempos: Ohhhh tempos, what a love/hate relationship. If you haven’t had tempos incorporated into your programming you are missing out. A tempo is a set amount of time under tension during a movement. An example would be a 3-3-3-0 air squat. The 1st number would be the eccentric (lowering/lengthening) phase of the movement. The 2nd number is the isometric hold at the bottom. The 3rd number is the concentric (rising/shortening) phase of movement. & The 4th number is the second isometric hold at the top. So in this case it would be a 3 sec. decent, 3 sec. hold at the bottom, 3 sec. standing & no pause at the top.


➖ Pause reps: Add in 2-10 sec. pause at the end ranges of a movement. Examples include= Bottom of a squat, top of a glute bridge, bottom/top of a push up, bottom/top of a shoulder press + bottom/top of a bench/floor press.


➖ 1/2 Reps: Love me some 1/2 reps thrown into the mix. Another great way to create time under tension + build muscle without having access to heavier weights. A great example would be a KB goblet squat. Instead of busting out 10 reps, try out 10 reps of 1.5 squats. Meaning= Drop down to the bottom of your squat, come up half way, drop back down to the bottom + then stand fully.


➖ Supersets: Pair up movements so they’re back to back w/ minimal rest between. Ex= 3 Sets of 10 DB curls straight into a 1:00 plank, then followed by a :30-:45 sec. rest.


➖ Change up rest periods + style of workouts: If you’re used to taking the traditional 1-2 minutes of rest between exercises or sets, switch it up and try taking anywhere from :30-:90 sec. instead. OR if you’ve always done 3-4 sets, try an EMOM or AMRAP out!


Be sure to save for later & if you have any questions feel free to email me at


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