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Charlies birth story: Part 1

There are moments in life that when you start to reflect, you see all the little ways the universe was subconsciously preparing you for a big change.

Charlie's birth was exactly that.

The week prior to his arrival I had finished up most of the work I needed to get done with my job, finalized and printed out my birth plan/caesarean birth plan/birth partner guide (if you know me you know I am very type A) and finished packing up my hospital bag. Nesting was in full swing.

On the morning of Friday, August 19th I started to lose my mucus plug. If you're not familiar with the process of birth, this isn't very helpful in establishing when baby will come. It could be hours, days or weeks- but, it does simply mean that my body is starting the prep work for labor. When I told John after a few sips of coffee, his eyes went wide like I was about to have the baby. Honestly, it was absolutely heartwarming and yet extremely funny at the same time. I texted my doula Elle with an update and she confirmed my thoughts. Nothing to really do except wait and see.

At this point, there were only two other things left on my "pre-baby" to do list... bake banana bread and do a maternity photoshoot. John was going to take the pictures so we decided on a sunset shoot for the following day. We woke up on Saturday and went about a normal morning, sipping coffee, watching the news and hanging out on the couch. The bananas I had been saving were perfectly ripe so I made up two loaves of banana bread. One for now and one for the freezer.

(John had also later told me that he had a weird feeling on Friday so he set his work email to "away" and brought home his laptop bag, which he very rarely does. Another way the universe was speaking to us but we didn't realize it.)


Later that evening we headed out to a local park, outfit changes in tow, and spent a few hours getting the beautiful pictures you see with this post. John, you did an incredible job bringing the vision I had to life...


Showcasing the beginning of motherhood in its essence through embracing, loving and honoring your full pregnant body for everything it's doing to create new life. I will treasure these forever.




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