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But- I Don't Want To Get Bulky?

"I want to build muscle, but I don't want to get bulky. _______ told me I should do light weights with high rep to get toned." 🙄


First off, you're not going to pick up a barbell & wake up tomorrow looking like the Rock. 🙅🏼‍♀️


Secondly, can we please throw the word "toned" in the garbage where it belongs. 🤮


Third, if your primary goal is to build muscle than you have to put you body under progressively heavier loads to create that intended stimulus.


*AKA- You're body is going to get used to those same 10# DB's you always go for & your not going to build muscle by doing that.*


If you want to get stronger, you have to challenge yourself when you walk into the gym. (With good form of course 😉)


You also need to have a game plan & know why you're picking certain exercises or rep schemes. If you walk into the gym without that- then you're probably wasting time & delaying progress. I know it can be overwhelming when starting your fitness journey, so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm happy to help!


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