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6 Exercise Lower Body Lift

I wish I had all the time in the world to get a lift in, but sadly that's not the case most of the time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Today's workout took about 40 min. to complete + by the end I was feeling it! When I'm pressed for time I'll focus my workout around compound lifts with a few complimentary accessory moves. Aka👉🏻 Exercises that recruit multiple muscle groups! (In this case being the front squats and hip thrusts.) Be sure to save this workout for later and if you have any questions on movements you can check out my YouTube channel-


3x5 Barbell front squats

3x30 Banded lateral steps


3x12 Barbell hip thrust

3x10 Single leg banded kickbacks


3x10 1.5 KB RDL's

3x10 Single leg step-downs


3x5 Barbell front squats

3x30 Banded lateral steps


3x12 Barbell hip thrust

3x10 Single leg banded kickbacks


3x10 1.5 KB RDL's

3x10 Single leg bodyweight step-downs


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