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Favorite Workout Shoes (Women's Guide)

Of course, these are simply my personal favorites & recommendations.

There are probably other brands out there that people swear by, but for me these are my go to favorite workout shoes!



NoBull Trainers

$99-129 (

I LOVE my NoBulls. (You’ll probably see that because I recommend every type of their shoe lol) They are my all time favorite shoe for a traditional bodybuilding workout or CrossFit style metcon! Comfortable, cute & supportive, but gives you a solid/flat surface to lift on.



NoBull Trainers

$99-129 (

Again a great shoe for any type of lifting, including deadlifts!

Chuck Taylor All Star Low Top

$39 (

Can’t go wrong for deadlifts with a regular old Chuck Taylor lol. In my opinion, the flatter the surface the better!



NoBull Lifters

$299 (

A little on the pricy end, but dang they’re cute. Plus they have a wood bottom, which I’m a huge fan of! Getting a shoe specific to any type of squatting movement with a raised heel can help tremendously. Especially if you have mobility issues (Obviously, improving your mobility is a good idea too lol) & they can help to get you into a better position at the bottom of your squat.

Reebok Legacy Lifters

$189 (

Another great option for olympic lifting or squats but not as pricy as the NoBulls. I personally haven’t tried these out, but I do have an older pair of Reebok lifters that have lasted me ages.



Asics GT-2000 7

$120 (

During my collegiate track running years, the only shoe I’d run in were Asics! They’re very supportive & overall a solid pick for a running shoe if you’re planning on getting in those miles. I still do my longer runs in Asics, but sometimes I’ll switch & use my NoBull runners on anything less than 5 miles!

NoBull Runners

$159 (

Another great pick for a running shoe, plus (again) SO CUTE.

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